SuperNaturally Well Membership

Weight Mastery 7 Day Challenge Webinar

First Session: Wednesday, September 7 @ 8 pm (Atlantic Time) (7 pm Eastern Time)

Second Session: Thursday, September 8 @ 8 pm Atlantic Time (7 pm Eastern Time)

Third Session: Wednsday September 15 @ 8 pm (Atlantic Time) (7 pm Eastern Time)


Weight Mastery is the easiest natural, healthy and safe weight manangment program on the market. If you’re struggling with motivation, we have the best strategies too!

Contact US

Weight Mastery:

The Body-Mind Weight Loss Method

The experts agree: in the long run, diets don’t work. You’ve probably been frustrated by the contradicting claims of competing diets. It’s a lifestyle folks!

Your body weight doesn’t exist apart from the rest of your life. Weight Mastery offers wise and practical guidance on choices you can make to influence both your life, health and of course weight for the better. We show you how to put it all together, a way for you not only to lose weight, but also to enhance the quality of your life in terms of total wellness.

The psychology of weight control is a big part of our program. What is your relationship to food? Weight Mastery teaches you how to make in-depth changes in lifestyle and attitudes that will reshape not only your body, but mental outlook as well.

We do not promise you that you will lose 25 pounds in a month. That would be a lie and would also create false expectations. But if you could lose 6 – 8+ pounds a month, in 6 months you would be down 36 – 48 pounds in 6 months and arrive at that goal vibrant and healthier!

Finally, the key to identifying and removing physiological and psychological roadbloacks to achieving your optimal weight!

Dr. Randall Hardy & Marian Tobin-Hardy

Dr. Randy & Marian have been in natural healing clinical practice and running destination wellness programs for many years. Teachers and followers of natural health practices, they will give you the best and latest information available!

Easy Food Selections

Based on 4 Specific Categories

Green Light

Go Wild!

Yellow Light

Enjoy with some limits.

Orange Light

Go easy 🙂

Red Light

Occassional or Avoid 🙁

A Free Webinar

The 7 Day Weight Mastery Challenge is our way of introducing ourselves to the wellness community and our online SuperNaturally Well Membership! 

The Weight Mastery Challenge is complete in itself and there is no upsell or products to purchase. We even will give you some downloadable resources!

Ready To Join Us?

A Free Webinar Series Beginnning on Wednesday September 7th at 8 pm Atlantic Time.